August 2, 2019
Uspenskoye district to presents a project on the construction of a processing industryAugust 1, 2019
New Zealand plans to adopt the best practices of Kuban in the area of viticulture and tourismJuly 29, 2019
Since the beginning of the year export of AIC products has accounted for more than 700 million US dollars in KubanJuly 29, 2019
Uspenskoye district provides an investment site for the construction of a production facilityJuly 24, 2019
Foreign turnover of Kuban in the first half of 2019 exceeded 2.8 billion US dollarsJuly 24, 2019
Uspenskoye district to presents a project on the construction of a processing industryJuly 16, 2019
Kuban plans to increase the wine export by 1.5 times in the coming five yearsJuly 15, 2019
Uspenskoye district provides an investment site for the construction of a production facilityJuly 10, 2019
Krasnodar region plans to increase the export of agricultural products to FinlandJuly 10, 2019
Uspenskoye district to presents a project on the construction of a processing industryJuly 9, 2019
Exporters of the region to gain an electronic site for entering international marketsJuly 1, 2019
Uspenskoye district provides an investment site for the construction of a production facilityJune 26, 2019
Uspenskoye district to presents a project on the construction of a processing industryJune 24, 2019
Five Kuban exporting companies exposed their products at the international exhibition in MoscowJune 19, 2019
The event “Lean industry of the South: Best practices” took place in Krasnodar at the plant of CLAAS companyJune 17, 2019
Chinese COFCO intends to purchase a share in the grain terminal in NovorossiyskJune 17, 2019
Uspenskoye district provides an investment site for the construction of a production facilityJune 13, 2019
In January-May 2019 the passenger traffic of the airport of Krasnodar grew by 11%