Resource base
- The average annual rainfall is about 600 mm per year
- The prevailing winds blow from the east and southeast. From May to September, the weather conditions are considered comfortable.
- The climate is suitable for agriculture
Fresh water
- Freshwater reserves are equivalent to renewable water resources, specifically river runoff
- Water is taken from the Kuban and Urup rivers
- Springs in Uspenskoye district include a spring located 1.5–2 km from Lake Bolshoye (Solenoye), springs near the village of Ukrainskiy, and a font in the village of Uspenskoye
- In total, there are 42 bodies of water covering 305 hectares in Uspenskoye district. Among these, 13 water bodies spanning 139.2 hectares are specifically designated for ûõ äëÿ ðûáîâîäñòâà - 13 âîäîåìîâ ïëîùàäüþ 139,2 ãà
- Medium-humus low loamy chernozems fish farming
Recreational resources
- Uspenskie Salt Lakes
- The Stepnoy State Natural Biological (botanical) reserve
- Mount Baba
- Mount Baba

Uspenskie Salt Lakes
The remains of the ancient Sarmatian Sea, dating back around six million years, hold the status of a specially protected natural area. The mud found there possesses healing properties similar to the mud of the Dead Sea. Throughout history, people have used this mud from the lakes to treat wounds and ulcers.

The Stepnoy State Natural Biological (botanical) reserve
On the 1,748-hectare area, there are various natural habitats consisting of steppe communities: grasslands, dry meadows, thyme-covered meadows, and grassy areas. Oak forests, mainly in the form of small clusters along the ravines, are found in the lower slopes. The flora of this specially protected natural area comprises 327 plant species. Additionally, around 500 invertebrate animal species have been documented here, including numerous flora and fauna representatives listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and Krasnodar region.

Mount Baba
The peak is in Uspenskoye district near the khutor (farm) of Vesely. According to local belief, a Cuman Baba, a stone sculpture left by Cuman tribesmen, once stood at the top of this mountain

Becket and Krugly Kamen Mountains
Beket and Kruglyy Kamen peaks, near Novenky farm and Ubezhenskaya village, were once islands that were part of the ancient Sarmatian Sea. In this area, you can find various fascinating remnants such as corals, shells, some still retaining their original colors; wave-polished shores; animal burrows, and even pieces of ancient pottery.

Gardren Square of the 95th anniversary of Uspenskoye district (Protected area)
A picturesque local area, cherished by residents and visitors of Uspenskoye district.